Sacramento Police Officers Association – SPOA

Public Support

The Impact of Gratitude

If you could thank a police officer, what would you say or do? Here are a few fun ways to show your appreciation.

  1. Message us! Write about your general appreciation and their hard work. Write about a specific incident where you observed service “above and beyond the call of duty.” We love sharing your messages of gratitude on our social media. Thank you! Submit your Message.
  2. Wave and say hi! When you see an officer, give him or her a friendly greeting or gesture. Especially if it’s been a rough day, your smiles make it all more worth it.
  3. Speak uplifting words of appreciation. Watch for occasions to say thank you.
  4. Sponsor appreciation days at your church, club or service organization. Some churches conduct special prayer services for police officers and firemen.
  5. Volunteer. Citizen volunteers help supplement and support officers and civilian personnel in many ways. Check out SPD website for more information.
  6. Participate in neighborhood watch. Citizens can help police maintain public safety through neighborhood watch groups. Neighborhood watch members receive training on how to organize particular areas and methods for communicating with the police and with their neighbors.
  7. Participate in police initiatives, projects, and programs. Law enforcement agencies often engage their communities by hosting events throughout the year. Examples include neighborhood barbeques, National Night Out, and Coffee with a Cop. Community members can assist the police in their efforts by participating, donating to, or helping facilitate these events.
  8. Attend community meetings. Community meetings are another way community stakeholders, business owners, church groups can engage with local government and law enforcement. Residents can communicate with police representatives at these meetings to help solve community issues and facilitate a positive, collaborative relationship.
  9. Get your kids involved! Programs that engage youth with law enforcement are a great way to get kids and their families familiar with local enforcement officers. Programs such as police explorers/cadets, Police Athletic Leagues, citizen police academies specifically for youth, and mentorship programs area all good examples of how youth can collaborate with law enforcement in a positive method.
  10. Follow SPOA on social media! Stay aware of police events in the community, various crime and traffic alerts, and general information regarding the police department. Follow us on Facebook!
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